Italian Seed Varieties By Place Name

Italian Seed Varieties By Place Name

Italy is a vast country with a varied climate and has the culinary diversity to prove it. Each region is famous for its own specialties, many of which would not be possible to cook without the local heirloom vegetable varieties that have been lovingly cultivated for generations by the region's inhabitants. Many of the heirloom varieties we import from Italy are named for those regions or cities where they first arose and became an intrinsic part of the local cuisine. Growing a location-specific variety is a great way to learn more about your Italian heritage or explore some of the lesser-known places you might visit someday. Though we have here categorized the locations into three main groups of Northern, Central, and Southern Italy, you will find that each of these areas are composed of many unique regions and locations.




NORTHERN ITALY (Aosta, Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Trentino-Alto Adige)
From the Appenines to the Alps, the Venetian Plain and the River Po, the Adriatic Sea and the Ligurian Coast, the regions of Northern Italy constitute a rich and diverse landscape.

Fennel di Parma sel. Prado

Onion Borettana

Zucchini Tondo di Piacenza

Beet Tonda di Chioggia (pictured)

Winter Squash Marina di Chioggia

Radicchio di Chioggia

Chicory Catalogna Gigante di Chioggia

Radicchio di Treviso

Celeriac Bianco del Veneto

Chicory Rosa del Veneto

Radicchio di Castelfranco

Bean Borlotto Lamon

Bean Meraviglia di Venezia

Root Chicory di Chiavari

Basil Italiano Classico

Onion Genovese

Zucchini Genovese

Cabbage Invernale Mantovano

Fennel Mantovano

Chicory Rossa di Verona

Chicory Zuccherina di Trieste

Lettuce Rossa di Trento

Bean Stortino di Trento

Chicory Bianca di Bergamo

Onion Piatta di Bergamo

Escarole Gigante di Bergamo

Tomato Red Pear

Bean Mereville di Piemonte

Onion Ramata di Milano

Turnip Rapa di Milano

Turnip Bianca Lodigiana

Zucchini Nero di Milano

Onion Rossa Savonese

Zucchetta Rugosa Friulana

Tomato San Marzano sel. Redorta

Zucca Berrettina Piacentina


CENTRAL ITALY (Lazio, Marche, Toscana, Umbria)
The bustling heart of Italy is world famous for its rolling hills and fresh flavors.

Cauliflower di Jesi

Cauliflower Verde di Macerata

Kale Nero di Toscana

Misticanza Lattughe Toscana

Onion Rossa Lunga di Firenze

Tomato Costoluto Fiorentino

Zucchini Lunga Fiorentino

Zucchini Romanesco

Endive Riccia Romanesco di Taglio

Broccoli Romanesco (pictured)

Fennel Romanesco


SOUTHERN ITALY (Abruzzo, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Sardinia, Sicily)
The regions of Southern Italy boast long-held traditions of family and food. From l'Orto to la tavola, the vegetables of the south are packed with flavor from the Mediterranean sun.

Basil Bolloso Napoletano

Winter Squash Lunga di Napoli

Parsley Gigante di Napoli

Broccoli Calabrese

Pepper Piccante Calabrese

Cauliflower di Sicilia

Chicory Catalogna Pugliese

Chicory Puntarella Brindisina

Cucumber Melon Half-Long of Puglia

Cucumber Melon Tondo Liscia di Manduria

Cucumber Melon Mezzo Lungo di Polignano (Barese)

Chard Barese

Cucumber Tortarello Barese

Bean Signora della Campagna

Onion Barletta

Onion Tropea Rossa Tonda

Onion Tropea Rossa Lunga

Zucchetta Serpente di Sicilia (pictured)

Zucchini Lungo Bianco di Sicilia

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