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Rapa da Foglia senza Testa (110-10)

Product Code: 110-10

Rapini. This is essentially a turnip plant that doesn't produce a bulb and is grown for the delicious leaves. Jagged leaves with assertive flavor. Pick when small and tender. Mix with lettuce or chicory for a tasty salad. Excellent cooked as a side vegetable (boil til tender, drain and then 'jump' with some aioli and hot pepper in olive oil. Sow in early spring or fall, 1cm down and space 6-8 inches. Very early - 30-40 days. 12 gram packet.


Rapini. This is essentially a turnip plant that doesn't produce a bulb and is grown for the delicious leaves. Jagged leaves with assertive flavor. Pick when small and tender. Mix with lettuce or chicory for a tasty salad. Excellent cooked as a side vegetable (boil til tender, drain and then 'jump' with some aioli and hot pepper in olive oil. Sow in early spring or fall, 1cm down and space 6-8 inches. Very early - 30-40 days. 12 gram packet.


Customer Reviews

4 Review
  • Great product! 5

    Posted by Michael on 6th Apr 2013

    Now this is a great green, a new staple for me in Virginia. In the fall it produced an abundance of tasty greens with a deep, sweet/turnip raab flavor and was a vigorous grower which seemed to shrug off adverse conditions better than most brassicas. It overwintered well (down to 20 degerees F, or slightly less) and has delighted us with tender thick raab-like florets this Spring as a true biennial. So if you like raab, as I do, this green is an excellent choice.

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