Collection: Zucchini (Summer Squash)

Here are some factors to consider when choosing which Zucchini to grow:

1. Plant size. Most heirloom zucchini varieties are big, sprawling plants. If you have a small amount of space to devote to zukes, choose a bush variety: Custard WhiteNero di Milano, or Novodiamant.
2. Fruit shape. Most zucchini are long and slender, which makes them good for slicing lengthwise for the grill or crosswise for salads and sautés. Some are round like baseballs— Tondo di Piacenza and Tondo di Nizza — which makes them perfect for stuffing. Or go halfway with Bolognesewhich has short, thick fruit.
3. Ribbing. If you like them smooth, try Genovese. If you like them heavily ribbed (which makes for interestingly shaped slices), try Romanesco. If you like them in between, try Striato d'Italia or Verde d'Italia.
4. Flowers. If you want to grow squash exclusively for squash blossoms, try da Fiore, a variety selected for its high proportion of flowers. (If you don't pick all the flowers, you will get some squash.) If you want both blossoms and a good zucchini, try Lunga Fiorentino.
5. Pest problems. If your zucchini plants are usually plagued by cucumber beetles or squash bugs, try growing a Zuchetta, which is a different species (Cucurbita moschata) and more resistant to pests. We have Tromba d'Albenga and Rugosa FriulanaPicked young, these two zuchettas have similar taste and texture to zucchini.

Click here to see our Growing Guide for Squash