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Posted by Lynn Byczynski on 1st Mar 2024

Every year the seed companies bring you new varieties in almost every category. Even an heirloom seed company like Seeds from Italy is constantly seeking out new products — for us, the older the better! We understand that you like the adventure of growing something new-to-you.This year, we have a large number of new varieties, and it’s my job to grow them and tell you what I think. I’ll be doing that throughout the growing season, but for now I w… Read more

Posted by Seeds from Italy on 13th Apr 2021

Getting early tomatoes is a kind of a game for most gardeners; we start our seeds inside in winter, surround young plants with plastic or water walls, warm the soil with black plastic mulch, even build hoophouses over the plants. And that first sun-ripened tomato, after months of pale imitations, makes all the trouble worthwhile.But there’s something to be said for planting tomatoes later, too. Tomatoes really are heat-loving plants that are… Read more